Delaware ACE Women’s Network (DAWN) is committed to the advancement of women leaders in higher education. For more than 25 years, DAWN has provided information and counsel to constituencies within the higher education community regarding policies, issues, education, and research that influence women’s equity, diversity, and advancement. DAWN provides national leadership in advancing women to executive positions on campus and serves as a national voice for women in higher education. Staff members also work in collaboration with associations and other groups in higher education on ways to improve the status of women.

DAWN’s mission is to advance women’s leadership by:

  • Identifying women leaders nationally in higher education through extensive networks.
  • Developing women’s leadership abilities through state and national programming.
  • Advancing more women into senior-level leadership positions by nominating them and working with search firms on placement.
  • Supporting the tenure of mid- and senior-level women administrators and presidents throughout their careers.

Founded in 1918, the mission of the American Council on Education (ACE) is to unite all of American higher education in service to students and society. Counted among its members are more than 1,800 accredited degree-granting colleges and universities and higher education–related associations, organizations, and corporations. ACE maintains both a domestic and an international agenda and, working with others, seeks to advance the interests and goals of higher and adult education in a changing environment. ACE provides leadership and advocacy on important issues to colleges and universities, enabling its members to speak to policy makers and the public with one clear voice.

Member Institutions